PS4 vs Xbox One The Review
By KamiKaze Dee
Last Gen I always sat on a level ground with PS3 and Xbox
360, both console offered something and stood strong. I have never limited
myself to playing on one system to not miss out on anything. I was hoping this
New Generation was going to be the same but sadly one console has had the earth
rumble beneath it and fallen into a dark hole which I hope it can one day climb
out of.
In the end none of the Launch titles won me over on either
console, I found Dead Rising and Ryse just to short and Forza was not my thing,
Knack was enjoyable to start with but after the 4th chapter it
became apparent this game was getting tired on me very quickly. Out of both
consoles exclusive Launch line ups I think Killzone was my winner but it did
not have much competition.
Exclusives aside I also have played most of the
multiplatform titles and 3 if them on both consoles to get a comparison. COD
Ghosts this game for me ran the same on both platforms but seemed a lot easier
to get into an online game on Xbox One during off peak hours. Assassins Creed
Black Flag… Xbox One it was so shiny and bright still stunning but when I tried it out on PS4 I was blown away
more, the textures were more pleasing to the eye it was not as bright as Xbox
One but looked a hell of a lot better been toned down. Even playing with the
Contrast on the Xbox One version it always had this shiny bright appearance.
Now for Battlefield 4, I cannot rate this game much on either console due to
how broken it is to play on all platforms, I can say PS4 did look better
visually but the constant crashes from no fault of either console made this
game unbearable and put on to the Will buy when this shit aint broke list. A
few titles I only have played on one console were Need for speed Rivals on Xbox
One looked stunning, the online only gameplay was a bit of a downfall when
there were morons in the lobby. Lego Marvel and Skylanders on PS4 they look
good a definite step up from the Last gen versions.
PS4 has a lot more to offer with their downloadable titles,
War Thunder, Contrast, Resogun were the free titles I picked up on PS4 good
little games if you have a free moment to give them a go. Xbox One did not seem
to have much to offer on the market place while I had it… Killer Instinct was
the only free title they had but looked to require a lot of micro transactions.
Both Consoles introduced new controllers, Xbox One’s
controller was a lot more comfortable than the 360 with the angled Triggers and
flat battery pack it was a lot easier to hold with smaller hands it is a nice
weight and holds battery charge for a decent amount of time. The PS4 Controller
has had a big step up I found the old Dual shock 3 was a bit to small leading
to hand cramps and I cannot imagine how Guys with bigger hands dealt with it.
The Dual Shock 4 is the perfect fit for my hands and the new R2 and L2 Trigger
shape actually makes me use them in shooters where on PS3 I was using R1 and L1.
The only Downfall for the DS4 is the battery Life, hopefully Sony release a
Patch to let you turn off the Light which seems to drain the power within 4-6
Xbox Ones biggest downfall for me was its Glitchy OS, Not
only did I have a lot of issues with crashes but they have removed a lot of
stuff that 360 has and people loved, cross game chat is no longer available you
can party chat but everyone must be on the same game. No notification when friends come online this
has been removed from both Xbox One and PS4 but it is easier to check your
friends list on PS4 then Xbox One.
My PS4 and Xbox One |
The DVR on both consoles works fine, only problem with Xbox
One it was a lengthy painful process to upload a clip which half the time for
me crashed the whole system so sort of gave up on it. Xbox one really needed an
upload to Facebook option imo.
The biggest problem I have with gaming is Updates and the
size of them, Launch day for Xbox One for me was spent doing updates and
installing discs, the updates were ridiculous and then the install time on
discs it took me nearly 12 hours + 15gig to get the console and games set to play,
Updates on PS4 are a lot smaller and the install time at least 80% faster.
In conclusion the better console at this point in the Next
Gen war is PS4 by a mile, with its simple interface, smooth running OS and
smaller Patch sizes it’s a key point for me with low data allowances. Xbox One
does have promise but they need to fix the party chat system and The OS needs a
big overhaul, hopefully they learn simple is Better. I have traded my Xbox One in due to Ongoing crashing Issues and Hope they release a fix or new model in the next year so I can jump back on, for now its just not a finished Product for me.
Now its just a waiting game for those must have titles to be released.
Overall Ratings
PS4: 8.5 ‘An All-round good gaming experience’
Xbox One: 7.0 ‘A little work will go a long way’