Thursday, 19 April 2012

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

Mini Review

I am a huge Zombie game fan from Left 4 dead to Dead island then a hop skip and a jump to Resident Evil if the dead walks I’m there to put a bullet in its head. Dirty rotting walkers!

This game is made to play with friends; I suggest not even attempting this one on your own some parts of the game are imposable without a real human playing alongside. When your team is controlled with AI is about as useful as tits on a bull. Most the time they will stand still or you will turn around and they will be having a picnic on the other side of the map. The enemy AI however doesn’t stand still and takes a lot and I mean a lot of Bullets to take them down.

You play as USS (Umbrella Security Service) Team Delta, It is your job to stop the US Military getting their hands on the T Virus and to retrieve the newer G Virus, you will come up against Soldiers, Zombies and the STARs. This game seems to have taken a twist by placing you in the position of working for umbrella, where in the past few games you have worked against them.

There is not really much to the story in this game, it’s the usual Survival Horror get through a level fight a big bad, fight hundreds of Zombies, don’t get shot, don’t Bleed out or you will have a riot o your hands.
When this game ended I was left feeling very disappointed and empty, It is very short and the Enemy character models were just too little, there is only so many times you can shot the same Cop Zombie in the head without yawning.

My tips to get the most from ORC, play with friends who don’t take shit to seriously, have a laugh and a few drinks, If you play on your own... maybe have a few more drinks as Passing out is probably more entertaining, Or just wait for Resident Evil 6!

My rating for this instalment of Res Evil is 5 out of 10

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