Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Wolfenstein! (2009)

Being a fan of Wolfenstein since i first played Wolfenstien 3d on a junked up old PC when i was a kid I couldn't wait to get my hands on Activision latest installment into the franchise. 

Single player 

This game to me has the Feel of Call of Duty 2 with a bit of Magic and a few massive monsters and zombies, I am finding it extremely enjoyable after spending about 4 hours on the single player. You have a slight open world you need to navigate through to get to you missions while trying to take out or sneak past Nazi patrols.
So far i have encountered 1 Nazi zombie and I am hoping for more just not in large groups they are not the easiest of foe to defeat. You have numerous patrols of Nazis in your travels and a few massive monsters with giant partical cannons that will liquefy you to a puddle of blood n puss.
Speaking of blood and Puss the gore level in this game is awesome From dismembering someones arm or leg to blowing them into a million pieces or using a trusty bayonet to make blood spurt from the throat or just whacking there head of with an axe, I am very much impressed!
You can Melee, shot, burn and my personal favorite liquefy your enemies with a vast array of weaponry which you can hold onto through out your game,From memory you have 6 weapon slots not including Grenades. With a massive weapons list I have found researching around I cant wait to try them all, there is meant to be over 35 weapons all up throughout the game. Weapon of choice so far for me is the Kar 98 with Silencer and Bayonet, or the MP44 which i have not upgraded yet except for a larger barrel.
The great thing about the single player in this game is you can upgrade your weapons with so many different features, from Silencers to Barrels you can get your gun just right for how you play.
The single play graphics a smooth and crisp a bit cartoon like but they can hold there own. As for game play value I am finding it very addictive but seems a bit to fast paced when it comes to some missions, I think i have finished 1 mission in under 5 minutes. The missions would be nice with a bit more length but otherwise they work well.
Online Multiplayer

Once again another MP that if not patched will die very fast. The game is very laggy and slow. It is worst the first minute of the matches but seems to come a little better afterwards, The loading times for matches is really bad, I clocked one yesterday that took 5minutes and 45 seconds to load.
Once in the match and if you can manage to get one with minimal lag this game has a lot of promise. Once again it has a similar feel to COD2 control wise. You have the choice of been a Soldier, medic or Engineer. I have played as a Soldier and Medic, the soldiers class has a few more stronger weapons to choose from including a MP44 and panzerschreck and has a special ability to drop remote charged C4 which can come in handy when you are stuck in a dead end ally. The Medic has minimal weapon choice but has the special ability to heal downed team mates and drop med kits.
The levels are suitable sizes for the amount of players the game allows been 12. Spawn points so far seem fine with not getting spawned in a fire fight. I have played 3 or 4 of the levels and so far my fave would be the Hospital level.
Graphics wise the Multiplayer is lacking, compared to the single player it is very raw and edgy but this could also be fault of lag, but it does seem to have been thrown together in a rush.
Overall I would love to be able to play this MP a lot more then I have, but the loading times and risk of getting a match that is to laggy to play just make it not worth it. I am hoping for a Patch to fix this soon as it does seem to have a large community but for how long.
I will rate this game separately for it Single and Multiplayer with an overall score

Single Player: 8/10
Multiplayer: 6/10
My Overall DeliRiouS rating 7/10

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